Cambodia Angkor Special Tours Holds the Key to the Mysteries of this Enchanting Land


Company Name  Angkor Special Tours

Principal Guides

  • Pin Vannak

  • Ouk Ray

  • Han Hiek


  • Transportation Services

  • Private Guide Services

Cambodia has always been somewhat of a mystery to western travelers. The empire of the Khmer people extended across a substantial portion of Indochina for six centuries during the Middle Ages, but the architectural splendor of its buildings and the refined culture of its people was not well known in the west when the French took control of the region in the 1800s. In the 20th century, the country was deeply affected by wars in adjacent Vietnam and the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge, so its unique archeological assets and tourism potential remained unfulfilled.


Today, a new generation of Cambodians working for a better future have been presenting both the wonder of their ancient civilization and the tragedy of more recent times to millions of visitors each year. Transportation options, basic infrastructure, and lodging offerings have dramatically improved throughout the country over the past two decades, and international companies have invested heavily in supporting tourist activities there. As a result, visitors traveling to Angkor Wat and other ruins and historic places throughout the country can now enjoy both the magistry and mystery of this special place in relative comfort. 

The best way to do that is to use an experienced private guide service such as Angkor Special Tours based in Siem Reap. Pin Vannak and his colleagues know all the major sites and offer comprehensive and friendly services to experienced travelers and family visitors.

Tour Sites and Activities

Angkor Special Tours offers many different tours. The most popular is the Angkor Classical Tour which focuses on the World Heritage sites of the region. Some visitors marvel at the temples, spires, carvings, and reservoir barays surrounding the famous Hindu complex of Angkor Wat built in 1150. Others enjoy the grand capital city of Angkor Thom built nearby about fifty years later. It features the decorative Bayon temple and 216 stone carved faces representing a Buddhist deity or King Jayavarman VII himself. The guides present the grandeur of these monuments as well as explain the long corridors filled with carvings which depict historical events, the conquests of war, and spiritual lessons for the people of the Khmer empire during the 11th and 12th centuries.

There is plenty to see at these sites, so Angkor Special Tours works with its guests to design an experience focused on their interests. For example, the Angkor tour can include a visit to a mountaintop location to witness a famous and unforgettable sunrise at Angkor Wat which attracts large throngs of visitors. Or you can visit the Ta Prohm Temple known for the giant roots and trees which grow in and around the structure. It has been used as a film location for “Tomb Raider” and other movies. The company also coordinates tours to other ruins and vestiges of the Khmer Empire such as the complex at Being Mealea which is being reclaimed from the jungle and restored by archaeologists, or the famous pink temple of Banteay Srei known for its intricate carvings. 

Adventure tours offered by the company include places like Kulen Mountain where guests can swim in a cool waterfall, climb the mountain to see a huge reclining Buddha, or walk along a riverbank filled with hundreds of Hindu lingas. One of the more popular activities for people seeking a break from the ruins is to tour Tonle Sap Lake by boat and visit the floating villages and wildlife areas of the lake and the surrounding deltas. Since Siem Reap has become a modern city with over two hundred modern hotels, restaurants and shopping venues, the company can also coordinate stops and meals to enjoy the people and excellent cuisine of the region too.

Background and Experience

All the tour guides at Angkor Special Tours are certified and have been trained by the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Education. Some of the guides including Pin Vannak have been working in the field for over a decade.

Pin believes that there are many things about Cambodia which make it a special place to visit. He says: “Cambodia is a place unlike any other. It has so many magnificent temples and monuments, beautiful warm beaches, nature all around you, and charming people. In Cambodia, the ancient and modern worlds collide to create an authentic and unforgettable adventure. Many people know Cambodia only because of Angkor Wat and the Khmer Rouge but in fact it is a place that has many stories to tell. That is why I want to work in this field and share my experience with people."

My Family's Experience

My family used Angkor Special Tours to coordinate a five-day visit to Cambodia several years ago. We flew into the Siem Reap airport on a flight from Singapore and were greeted by Mr. Vannak. He brought us to our hotel and reconfirmed the itinerary we had arranged by email. He then became our guide and close companion. Throughout our time together, he was able to explain the complex history of the Angkor civilization and its collapse with clarity and tell stories that brought the places we visited to life. We were also able to learn from him about the experiences which young Cambodians have had living through a civil war and developing a modern society.

When you go to a place like Angkor Wat, which is one of the world's leading tourist attractions, it is important to have the right support system. Angkor Special Tours organized our stops to avoid the large group tours, so we were able to get an unobstructed view of the sites and look closely at the objects or carvings that caught our interest. They also developed an itinerary that allowed us to take a break and cool off at the hotel in the early afternoon before going back out in the heat to pursue other activities.

The company emphasizes that "our service is different from other companies because we are flexible throughout the tour and always ask people about their desires and interests. It is also important for travelers to understand that when they book tours with Angkor Special Tours, they will be supporting a Cambodian based local company rather than an international touring company. With us, you will experience and hear the mindset of real local people during your tour." The hundreds of reviews about the company on public sites suggest that they have been successful in presenting the real Cambodia to their guests. 

Contact Information
Angkor Special Tours
Tel: +855 77494459 and +855 69748499
Proficient in English

Notice: The information provided in this profile are true and accurate to the best actual knowledge of The Traveling American. However, my family's experience with the particular guide or company profiled here may not reflect the experience of other travelers using these services. Travelers should rely on their own judgment and information in retaining any guides or drivers mentioned on the website.